Spectacle Lenses

How to choose the best lenses for your spectacles?

We have carefully chosen reliable lens manufacturers to make the spectacle lenses.  Not only they focus on developments and researches in order to manufacture the finest quality ophthalmic lenses; but also, they invent the most advanced coating techniques and lens designs to correct ophthalmic imperfections.

Lens materials

Index 1.74 – the thinnest and lightest plastic material
Index 1.67 – the most flexible material
Index 1.60 – a premium plastic material, suitable for rimless glasses
PNX 1.53   – a reliable and shock-resistant material for children’s and sport glasses
CR39 1.50 – a basic plastic material

lens coating

Coating adds specific features to the lenses, making them anti-reflective, scratch-resistant, colored, contrast-enhancing, or protection from blue light rays.

The chosen features enable the lenses to better suit your needs and preferences.

Which type of lenses do you need?

Single Vision Lenses
For just one prescription, used for correcting reading or distance prescriptions.

Indoor Lenses
For people whose visual tasks are based predominantly around near and intermediate vision.

Progressive Lenses
For people who have presbyopia and need various correction areas, providing clear, relaxed vision at all distances.

Special Lenses
For specfic activities or needs, e.g. children’s lenses, sports lenses, computer lenses, etc.

Photochromic Lenses
With photochromic lenses, the intensity of color changes according to the level of sunlight; becoming darker in bright conditions and fading to clear in darker conditions. The photochromic lenses can be worn throughout the day, with no need to switch to and from regular sunglasses.

questions about the type of lenses which are most
suitable for you?


We will be on vacation from November 4th to November 13th. We look forward to assisting you again starting Thursday, November 14th.